总是学不会 再聪明一点 记得自我保护 必要时候撒些 善意谎言

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Times just pass so fast~

How i wish the holidays just dont go away so fast.
I feel like, today is just the starting of it, but actually its already going to end soon.
It's like 5 MORE DAYS ?! >3<

Somehow, i have a quite-full schedule for these two weeks.

Having four-days-training during the first week of holidays. And, I'd enjoy it ALOT.
During these trainings, we'd sit together, talking crap together, creating new nickname for someone together,  laughing together AND of course, we get to train together again. X)

On the 31st of May, I'd "create" an event to celebrate birthday for my two lovely sisters and besties, ManYee &; LiLing.
Yea, Its kinda weird actually. A belated birthday celebration for ManYee and an advance birthday celebration for LiLing. @@
And, for sure its just for GGs. xD
But, unfortunately, YihTong cant make herself free to come as she went back to her kampung.
*I believe, next time, seven of us sure get the chance to have an outing together, without anyone absent =)

Okay, let's start the day. x)

Wake up early in the morning to attend demo team training at school.
Reached there and reading storybook alone while eating my mum-made-breakfast !
It's nice xD

And so, training start sharp at 8am.
Everything is just like usual. =)

After training, walk with WenWei to a nearby bus stop and wait for the bus.
In the bus, we chat ALot.
Sometimes, faking smile to the ones you dislike, doesn't mean that you're fake, it's just mean that you're good enough to accept everything that you dislike with a SMILE :)

We finally arrived. =)
First place to go, is toilet for sure. We must change our shirt, as you know, we just finish our training.

After that, went to meet them at lobby of TimeSquare.
What to eat for our lunch?? @@

We've standing so long in front of the floor directory and FINALLY
we chose SHABU-SHABU ^n^

And, me and WenWei suddenly remember our plan

OhMyGosh, the food are so "powerful" it'd make us to forget about the plan.
Yea, the plan is, go buy a birthday cake.

here is it ! xD
a special birthday "cake"
Mint chocolate + strawberry flavoured yoghurt

We're rushing all the ways. And pity myself, to run with my bag ><
but nvm, it's worth.

And then, we went to search for something that could represent NCAs and also GGs
Although at last we did not buy anything, at least we GOT the idea xDD 

TeeHee~ after "shopping" times, have a cup of ChaTime - Chocolate Hazelnut *if i'm not mistaken

Photo of the Day !

NCA ^^


For 2nd, 3rd and 4th of June, 2, 5 and me go for CLDS at SJK(c) Mun Choong.
At first, i'm same group with pvt. liaw. But unfortunately, i had been shifted to group 4.

Yea, i'm alone in that group, with others member that comes from different divison.

BUT after three days staying with them, they're friendly, though xD
We'd share everything even food :PP

Although this camp is quite tired as i could not sleep well, somehow i make alot news friends X)
And i miss these three days ALOT

Group 4 members, i'll always remember you all ^^ V

Sometimes, you could talk with a new friend more comfortable than a best friend.
Not because of what, its just because new friends could treat you very good just without any judging.
But, it's just SOMETIMES, and some CERTAIN FRIENDS, just like group 4 =3

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

negative 1

Today there's training at school.

Her decision had made.

*to someone, dont feel sad or emo, you still are the best for us, you've a Good good goood personality than her !
And you, dont think you're very good, very pretty or whatever. Your personality make you look ugly. =3 And, you're just tooooooooo disgusting of doing those things.
BS you till the max, you always get things without putting much effort. And so what, your personality ARE WORSER than everyone.
But nvm, just wait and see HOW PRO YOU ARE =3=

Tonight, it's just tonight.
I'll remember it. How you hurt me by saying those WORDS.
I'm sure, you'll be regret. I wont believe it anymore, seriously.
YOu hurt me alot.

Not only you, is you, you, you, you and you. >3<

I'm learning to be tougher. To not showing that i'm weak in front of you all

I've learned. Your own story is not necessary to tell others, they could just listen to it, but they wouldn't know the real feeling of yours. Somehow, people will laugh at your stupid-ness LOL

Pain Makes People Change

Monday, May 28, 2012

♥ 801 B ♥

First of all,

Guys~ enjoy your holidays ^_^
For my holidays, it's quite full actually. Hahaaa !

---- First day of holidays 26 / 5 ----
Went for ST.JOHN meeting by 'sacrifice' our chance to go the nine-school-event =3
but nvm, it's worth @@

Everything is just like usual, warm up for sure.
After that, physical training START
How was it?
Hahaaa.... I just can admit that, i'm not that good in it. TnT
I Must Train Up Until I Can Do All The Physical Training Well And Fast ! HMPH~!

Sometimes, i just love to do drill.
It's depends on who do drill with me. *someone someone, i know you sure understand this part. =)

Training time end quite fast.
It's PlayingTime now~ xD

What we play for today is...... Haha~ A new game with an unknown name.
It's quite special actually. I think no one would know it? I THINK @@
So, i'm not gonna tell out at here. Just let it be a 'secret' among KL CC/C

Guess it's end of the meeting after the playing section~ if i'm not mistaken @@

And then, went to Jusco to have my lunch ALONE
Sometimes, eating alone got its good and also bads, just see how's your mood.
I'm too hungry to wait for my parents to eat together =3=

After eating, wait for the arrival of my parents.
And i told them, i sprained my ankle. @@
It's not serious until cannot walk, but still it's quite pain when you walk or even sitting down there without doing anything X(

How scare am i~ Tomorrow (sunday), there's a run waiting for me

At night, go overnight at my no.5's house.
We have alot of fun there XD
And, i miss the tiger~ hahaaaa.... =3

 ---- Second Day of Holidays 27/5 ----
Wake up so early in the morning. @@
After settle down all the stuff, heading to PutraJaya, the place we going for EkidenRun.

I'm kinda lazy to say out the 'procedure'.
So, let me skip it.

JASOOM~ hope i din spell wrong @@
We've did a GOOD job, actually.
We get 27th over 300++

And, coincedently we get 7 in our rank with them. ^^

After the event ended, we went to have lunch and go back SLEEP AT HOUSE.
It's just way too tired.

And and and, it's quite lucky that my ankle is not very pain when i'm running.
It will recover soon, i think. X)

801 B~♥

our medals ^^V

There're many photo of us actually, but at PG Captain there @@
Hahaa xPP

Being happy doestn't mean that everything is perfect
It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

- 2405 - 0059 -

Yes.... I'm very sensitive to every type of number.
And now, i'm gonna use english. My mind just all english wordssss, not chinese.
But somehow, using CHINESE is a memory for me. =3

Memory Memory Memories~~
I love memory as well, but sometimes memory hurt you alot >3<

Why i am the one who always get blame, and also make people angry?
I'm learning to be the strongest. And yea... i did a good job as well.
But, today it's all FAILED.

Sometimes, i just feel tired of every single thing in my life.
Sometimes, smiling are not represent you're happy.
Sometimes, being strong is  not a good thing actually.
Sometimes, those word that you use to comfort your friends is not useful for yourself.

Somehow, i just like to being stronger than others, cause i dont like to become a weak people infront of them, though.

YEA ! That's me~!!! no one could change my mind, not even you.

I'm learning to become stronger and stronger. I would like to tell you, I AM NOT WEAK anymore.
no one will cares whether you are happy sad or what, everyones got their own story to tell.
My Story? just let it be A secret.

Pain Makes People Change
I feel so lost

Life is like a cup of tea. It wont be bitter for a lifetime but for a short while anyway.

i miss you so badly

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

2 : 44 : 59

那么特别的号码, 就只有 你~ 我~ 她~ 知道 ^_^

最近 超爱来这里
或许因为 我最近的记性没以前那么好了
一些值得我去记的 我却忘了 ><

所以 我想把一切都写下来 回忆总是那么的美好 :)
不要怀疑我有老人痴呆症 XPP

今年过得好快 一下子就五月了
我好怀念 那段时期 我们一起的日子
虽然很辛苦, 虽然那些开心的回忆比较少, 但跟你们在一起, 我学会了很多 =)

上个星期六的youth day~ 我们聊了好多 好多
回忆 总是那么的美好

那一天 看见了日落 好漂亮~!

我爱仰望天空 无论是日出,日落 还是蔚蓝的天空


Friday, May 18, 2012

有你们 我是幸运的 X)

5 月 18 日
或许对别人来说 这只不过是一个普通的日子
但对我而言, 它让我很幸福~! XDD

一如往常地 到学校, 把书包放在属于 NCE 的位子
*haha.... 它几时变成我们的? 嘻嘻~ 我们就是那么霸道, xPPP

大家都知道 这个星期是考试周, 大家都很努力地在读书~
我咧~ 读了一下 又观察一下周围的人 然后就傻傻地在笑他们 heheee.... xD
不要怪我 我就是那么地坏 那么地 PG~ :P *大家还小, 不要用PG啊~ 这 是属于我和朋友们"沟通” 的方式

话说回来, 今天的sejarah应该拿不到A了~ ><
不过不要紧, 尽力就好了

哈哈.... 跟朋友一起温习是最棒的了 或许是因为 我已习惯了在他们面前玩闹 所以, 因为有了他们, 我可以读到很轻松 :))


放学过后, 和我的 no.2 & 5 去吃 subway
因为subway的地方, 是我们cochranean去bus station/lrt station 的必经之处, 所以很多人都看到我们
第一个 就是我很敬佩 , 很喜欢他的她~ hahaaa.... 谢谢她的koupon xD

另一个, 是我们天天在讨论着的她~
*5~!!!!! XDDDDD*

哈哈... 在意想不到的时刻, 我们的光头仔5号来join我们~ XDD
这个光头仔 很好笑~! 悲观到死~ 不对... 他讲,这叫有远见 =3=
今天跟他一起找sejarah的答案 一直在那边吵吵吵~ 玩玩玩~ 笑笑笑~ XDD

有时候想想... 有你们~ 我很幸福~
有你们~ 我好开心~! <3

因为今天subway的约会~ 我的心情好到爆 ^_^

晚安啦~ 各位
接下来的考试 一起加油吧~! xDDDD


Monday, May 14, 2012


真是抱歉~ 忽略了你那么久 >3<
我知道 是我的错
原谅我吧~! xP

今年 真的发生了很多很多事
开心 伤心 生气 甚至是失望 都让我无法忘记

以前 脆弱的我 总爱哭
现在 我学会了坚强 是你们告诉我 : 哭不能解决问题,哭只是一种发泄 真正解决问题的方法是勇敢去面对, 想办法解决
因为你们 我真的学会了坚强 也学会对哭泣说再见
但 当独自一人时 眼泪还是会不知觉地填满眼眶

谢谢你们在那天 给我的鼓励

很抱歉 我没把自己照顾好 让病毒入侵我的身体 把不好的自己都带给你们

我其实并不自私 我真的 真的 无法忍受那种感觉 或许这是我的错

很对不起 我让你们失望了 我以为我尽力了 但原来 你们觉得我没有

其实我无法原谅自己 无法原谅你们那个自私的我 无法原谅那个让你们失望的我


这些话 有谁愿意帮我传达给你们呢?
我 无法勇敢地面对你们

还有 你们
当初的不信任 当初的不相信 当初的疏远 都已深深地记在我心里
你们的不谅解 在我的内心深处 深深地刮了一刀
血流不止的伤口 真的很痛
伤口留下的伤疤 好丑

我总是很努力地想补救 想把那隔膜清除
但原来 那只不过是我自己的一厢情愿
算了吧 我不想再理了 让一切都顺其自然吧 =)

我说的话 你怎么都相信了呢?
